Monday, January 24, 2011


Obviously, I SUCK at blogging. I'm much better at writing down little thoughts in my moleskin during my (very short) commute to work in the morning. This blog is essentially for myself. I want to look back and remember how I felt during this month. I want to increase my self-awareness. Part of this 30-day challenge will be to write down my thoughts as I move through it.

I'm pretty excited to have a new challenge in my life. During marathon training, I realized how well I respond to limits and deadlines. Making fitness and health a top priority is really effective for me. During my yoga challenge, I will attend yoga classes a minimum of 5 days per week, allowing myself 2 days a week for self practice. I may increase my in-class yoga, but I want to improve/increase my self practice. I also want to attend AT LEAST two new yoga studios. The majority of my practice will commence at YTTP, but I want to expand to new studios and types of yoga during this challenge.

Until tomorrow...

Yoga: The union of our physical, mental, and spiritual selves. To yoke. A method of transcending the limitations of the ego. A way of life. A set of moral, ethical, and practical guidelines to live a healthy and balanced life.

8 limbs of yoga:
Yama - Social conduct, moderation in all things
Niyama - Individual conduct, purity and contentment
Asana - Posture
Pranayama - Breath control
Pratyahara - Sense withdrawal, turning senses to the internal mental and spiritual world
Dharana: Concentration
Dhyana: Meditation
Samadhi: Superconscious state leading to self-realization

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